javascript curl


Widgetic makes a library of embeddable widgets that your customers can edit using a visual editor.

As a JavaScript developer, you can integrate our widgets directly in your site, platform or CMS, and also connect them to your interface, or use our standard Editor.

This documentation will help you learn the basics of working with our REST APIs.


There are a few concepts that you need to master before using the API. These concepts are created around the two core elements: Widget and Editor.


A widget is any object you can add into a webpage through a snippet of code.

All our widgets are built on top of a Debug Widget, that has a specific structure, a meta theme and a meta content. This allows us to use the Editor for customizing any widget.

Debug Widget

A template widget with a standard arhitecture respected by all widgets on Widgetic.

Dynamic Widget

A dynamic widget is a widget composition created in code that is displayed temporarly, without overwriting the composition widget used to created it.

You would need such a widget if for example you’d have an e-commerce store with 100 products or more. So instead of creating 100 manual compositions, you would create a single composition and always change it’s content when the site loads.


  1. Dynamic widgets cannot be re-embedded.
  2. To create a dynamic widget, you need to base it on an existing composition.
  3. The stats are counted for the base widget composition. Assuming your products have different URLs, you would know which dynamic composition the stats apply to, based on the stats URL.

Widget Composition

A composition is the product obtained by customising a widget. A composition represents any widget in it’s ready to use form: has a custom/preset theme, has content, has details and an embed code associated.

COMPOSITION = Theme + Content + Details + Embed Code

Widget Main Attribute

The widgets are grouped in 4 categories, based on their content type, which is their main attribute:

Category Uses File Types
Photo galleries, slideshows, banners, etc jpg, png, gif
Audio audio players mp3
Video video players mp4
Utilities chart, ticker, calendar, countdown timer, etc text


A three steps panel which allows you to customize a widget by selecting a theme, adding content, editing the details and generating the associated code for embed.

You can however, implement your Editor UI completely from scratch using the Widgetic.js SDK.


A set of properties specific to each widget (settings, colours) that users can edit. Also called skins, in the API.

Preset Theme

A predefined Theme, created by us, which is available to any user.

Input Controller

An input controller is an input that allows the user to change a specific property of a theme.

These are the Input Controllers available in the Editor:

Content Source

A content source is a web service where the user can host his content.

These are the Content Sources available in the Editor:


A standalone application using the Widgetic API and optionally Widgetic.js, which can bring the power of the Widgetic platform into your project.

Depending on your integration, you can ask users to log into their Widgetic account or you can choose to manage an account on their behalf (and provide them our widgets without the hassle). Authentication is done using the standard OAuth2 protocol.


On Widgetic there can be two types of users, depending on your integration.

Standard Users

Users that own an account on Widgetic. All data (widget compositions, themes, etc) they author is stored in their account.

Using the Widgetic.js SDK, standard users can log into Widgetic Apps using OAuth.

Managed Users

Widgetic accounts created by a Standard User. Managed Users are not able to log into Widgetic (most likely they will not even know they own a Widgetic account). All data they create is managed by the Standard User (you) for them. We call this white label integration.

Managed users receive the same properties of your Standard Account (basic, plus or premium).


    If you don’t ask your users to sign into Widgetic, you must use Managed Users (white label integration). Each Managed User will have his individual data (themes, widget compositions, stats) which you can access with your Standard Account.

API Reference


The API is organized around the following resources

API Resource Description
Users Get the users profile information
Widgets Access the available widgets
Skins Create and update Skins. List skins or access them individually.
Compositions Create and update Compositions. List compositions or access them individually.

JSON is returned in all responses.


The Widgetic API is architected around REST, using standard HTTP verbs to communicate. All responses come in standard JSON.

We also provide a Javascript SDK (Widgetic.js) that enables direct communication with the REST API, user authentication and authorization, and advanced manipulation of embedded widgets.

Getting an Application Key

Including the javascript SDK

<script src=""></script>

Initializing the SDK

// initialize Widgetic with your api key and a redirect uri
        Widgetic.init('<api key>','<redirect uri>');

Widgetic uses API keys to allow access to the REST API. You can register a new app and get an API key at our developer portal.

To interact with the REST API using the Widgetic.js SDK, it must first be initialized with your API key and Redirect URI. The API key is provided on the developer portal. The Redirect URI must point to a webpage on your domain that includes the Widgetic.js SDK. This could be your homepage or an empty html page created for this purpose. The Redirect URI is used for authentication purposes.

Getting an Access Token for an User

You can use Widgetic.js to connect your users to their Widgetic accounts. This allows you to access and manage their widgets and customizations, plus other features available through the API. The authentication and authorization protocol is based on OAuth2.

Interactive login

Triggering login on button click

$('button').on('click', function(){
            // do the interactive (popup) login
                function(successResponse) {
                    // the user has authorized your app
                }, function(failResponse) {
                    // the user has refused authorization or has closed the popup window

Example response

successResponse = {
            status: "connected",
            accessToken: "MjVkOWVlOTJmYzZmNDZmNTJkZDQwMmFkZmIzYTA3YTUyYTg1Mjk2NWU3MWZiNzBjMzFiYmI3M2Y2YTEwMmVjYQ",
            expiresIn: "3600",
            scope: ""

The Javascript SDK has the Widgetic.auth function that initiates and handles the auth process. Calling Widgetic.auth() opens up a login popup where the user can log into (or set up) their Widgetic account and authorize your app. The return value of this function is a Promise object with the then and fail methods. You have to pass callbacks to these functions to get the success or fail response.

Non-Interactive login

Trying a background login

            function(successResponse) {
                // the user is logged in and has authorized your app
            }, function(failResponse) {
                // the user is not logged in or the app is not authorized

If you pass true to Widgetic.auth, the SDK will try a ‘non-interactive login’ which won’t open any popups. This is useful for checking if the user has already authorized your app and reconnecting to the Widgetic API upon navigation. If the user is logged into Widgetic and has authorized your app in the past, the login process will succeed. Otherwise it will fail and you should prompt the user to do an 'interactive’ login.


Scopes let you specify exactly what type of access you need. Scopes limit access for OAuth tokens. They do not grant any additional permission beyond that which the user already has.

Requesting additional scopes

Widgetic.auth(true, ['email', 'skins']);

Available scopes:

Name Description
(no scope) Grants read-only access to public information (username, widget compositions, skins)
email Grants access to the users email
skins Grants write access to the users skins
compositions Grants write access to the users widget compositions

API calls

API entry point URL

Example of an api call

Widgetic.api('users/me').then(function(user) {
            console.log('Hello ' + user.username);

After the user has logged in (i.e. you have an access token) you can start making api calls on their behalf.

To communicate with the REST API you use the Widgetic.api function.


Widgetic.js is our javascript SDK which enables advanced widget features (popups and overlays, in-place edit, responsiveness, and future functionality), user authentication, cross-domain REST api calls, and direct widget manipulation.


You can get profile information about the current authenticated user. You can also create and work with managed user accounts, to allow white-label integration.

Get User info

Resource endpoint

GET /users/me

Getting the logged in user’s info

            .then(function(user) {
                console.log('Hello ' + user.username);

Example response

          "id": "51277df103a25c7a34000000",
          "username": "user",
          "email": ""

Retrieve information about the logged in user. Useful for “Sign in with Widgetic” functionality. By default the response is limited to their Widgetic unique ID and their username. To get the email info you must request the email scope during the authorization step.


The main currency of Widgetic. You can query our collection of widgets and use the information to create embeddable compositions. All widgets allow advanced customization of the UI. The customizations can be saved as skins (themes). Each widget comes with a predefined set of skins, called presets.

The widget object

Example response

            "id": "542945dc09c7e2ab6c8b4567",
            "name": "Accordion With Text",
            "slug": "accordion-with-text",
            "category": "util",
            "previews": {
              "full": "/assets/uploads/widgets/previews/acordeon_ca_la_turci.png",
              "large": "/assets/uploads/widgets/previews/acordeon_ca_la_turci.png",
              "small": "/assets/uploads/widgets/previews/acordeon_ca_la_turci_mic.png"
            "contentMeta": {},
            "skinMeta": {},
            "skins": [],
            "width": 560,
            "height": 600


Field Description
category The category of the widget (photo, audio, video, util)
previews A collection of preview images, showcasing the widget
contentMeta The content meta, a hash describing the keys and value restrictions expected by the widget for it’s content objects
skinMeta The skin meta, a hash describing the widget’s skin schema
skins User’s skins and presets
width The default width
height The default height

Get all widgets

Resource endpoint

GET /widgets

Getting the list of widgets’ names

Widgetic.api('widgets', {'fields': ['name']})
            .then(function(widgets) {

Query the available widgets.

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
fields Limit the fields
max-results Limit the number of results
sort-by A field to sort the results by

Get a widget

Resource endpoint

GET /widgets/{id}

Getting the name of a widget

            .then(function(widget) {

Get a widget by id.


The design and behaviour of all widgets can be customized using skins. Each widget has its own properties, defined in the skin meta.


Getting a widget’s presets

var widgetId = '5404451409c7e20b0d8b4567'

        Widgetic.api('skins', {widget_id: widgetId})
            .then(function(skins) {
                var presets = skins.filter(function(skin) {
                    // test if the id ends with the widget id
                    var isPreset = new RegExp(widgetId + '$', 'i');
                    isPreset = isPreset.test(
                    return isPreset


Presets are pre-made skins that are created by the Widgetic staff for each widget. You can choose to use any of them for your embeds or use them as a base for your own customizations. Rest assured that the presets available when creating your composition will be available permanently (slight adjustments might be made to fit widget updates).

Presets are retrieved from the same endpoint as skins, or by way of the widget's skins attribute. You can distinguish presets from skins from the structure of the id. Presets have the widget’s id concatenated to their own (p1_5404451409c7e20b0d8b4567).

The skin meta

Getting a widget’s skin meta

            .then(function(widget){ console.log(widget.skinMeta) })

Example response

              "tabs": {
                "Interface": {
                  "backgroundcolor": {
                    "control": "core/controls/color",
                    "options": {
                      "help_text": "Select the color and transparency for the widget's background.",
                      "label": "Background Color",
                      "default": "#ffff"
                  "scrollColor": {
                    "control": "core/controls/color",
                    "options": {
                      "help_text": "Select the color and transparency for the scroll's background.",
                      "label": "Scroll Color",
                      "default": "#ffff"
                  "distanceBetweenImages": {
                    "control": "core/controls/stepper",
                    "options": {
                      "help_text": "Set the distance between any two images.",
                      "label": "Distance Between Images",
                      "default": 3,
                      "unit": " px",
                      "min": 0,
                      "max": 300

The skin schema is defined per widget, as each widget requires different attributes for its skin. This schema is accessible on the widget object skinMeta attribute.

Field Description
tabs A hash that describes each of the widget’s attributes, grouped by function. The keys are the names of the skin’s attributes. The values contain other metadata related to value restrictions and descriptions


Field Description
control An identifier for the control that will handle validation and UI rendering in the editor
options Various options used for the control

Get all skins and presets

Resource endpoint

GET /skins

Getting the names of a widget’s skins

Widgetic.api('skins', {widget_id: '542173f409c7e222028b4568'})
            .then(function(skins) {

Get all the skins and presets for a given widget.

Preset id’s have the widget id concatenated to it’s own id: id_widgetId

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
widget_id The widget id to filter the skins

Save a new skin

Resource endpoint

POST /skins

Creating a new skin, using a preset as the base

// request the widgets' skins
        Widgetic.api('skins', {widget_id: '5108dcefe599d12e6f000000'})
            .then(function(skins) {
                // select the first skin
                return skins[0];
            }).then(function(skin) {
                // edit some properties
       = "My red skin";
                skin.backgroundcolor = "#ff0000";

                // save as a new skin
                return Widgetic.api('skins', 'POST', JSON.stringify(skin));
            }).then(function(skin) {
                // use the saved skin
                console.log('Skin ' + + ' saved!');

To create a new skin you must first create an object that has all the keys and values corresponding to the widget’s skinMeta schema. The object must also contain the widget_id key to identify the widget for which this skin is intended.

The response is a skin object with the data that was sent to the API and the new id of the resource, for later use.

Get a skin

Resource endpoint

GET /skins/{id}

Getting the details of a previously created skin

            .then(function(skin) {
                console.log('This is the ' + + ' skin.');

Get a skin from the server by referencing it by it’s id.

Update a skin

Resource endpoint

PUT /skins/{id}

Updating a previously saved skin

var mySkin = { id: "553622bb09c7e25d158b4571" };
        var resourceURL = 'skins/' +;

        // get the skin resource
        Widgetic.api(resourceURL).then(function(skin) {
                mySkin = skin;
                // change skin properties
       = "My edited skin";
                // issue a PUT request to update the skin
                return Widgetic.api(resourceURL, 'PUT', JSON.stringify(mySkin));
            }).then(function(skin) {
                console.log('The skin is now called ' + + '!');

To update a skin you must send a PUT http request with the full representation of the skin resource, including the modification.

Delete a skin

Resource endpoint

DELETE /widgets/{id}

Deleting a skin

Widgetic.api('skins/' +, 'DELETE')
            .then(function() {
                console.log('The skin has been deleted.');

To delete a skin, you must issue a DELETE http request.


To create an embeddable widget you construct a composition resource, linking a widget, a skin and the desired content. This allows easy embedding and facilitates content updates. Compositions can be created using the Widgetic Editor, but you can also build them manually, ensuring you adhere to the schema.

The composition object

Example composition

            "id": "5549b54947749318327b23c8",
            "name": "My Composition",
            "content": [
                    "id": "c-1",
                    "order": 1,
                    "image": "",
                    "target": "_blank"
                    "id": "c-2",
                    "order": 2,
                    "image": "",
                    "target": "_blank"
            "skin_id": "p4_5404451409c7e20b0d8b4567",
            "widget_id": "5404451409c7e20b0d8b4567",
            "width": 560,
            "height": 355


Field Description
content An array of content objects, with fields and values corresponding to the widget’s content schema
widget_id References the widget
skin_id The skin or preset used for customizing the widget’s looks
width The dimensions the embed should load with. Actual behavior depend upon the embed resize option used

The content meta

Getting a widget’s content meta

            .then(function(widget){ console.log(widget.contentMeta) })

Example response

            "options": {
                "min": 1,
                "max": 15,
                "mainAttribute": "image"
            "attributes": {
                "image": {
                    "control": "core/controls/image",
                    "options": {
                        "help_text": "",
                        "placeholder": "Add URL to image file (jpg, jpeg, png, gif)",
                        "readonly": true,
                        "preview": true
                "href": {
                    "control": "core/controls/url",
                    "options": {
                        "help_text": "Select a page to open on image click.",
                        "placeholder": "Add Link",
                        "label": "Web Address"
                "target": {
                    "control": "core/controls/dropdown",
                    "options": {
                        "label": "Add Link Target",
                        "help_text": "Select the window in which the link will open if clicked.",
                        "default": "_blank",
                        "options": [
                            { "label": "_blank", "value": "_blank" },
                            { "label": "_top", "value": "_top" }

The content schema is defined per widget, as each widget requires different attributes for it’s content items. This schema is accessible on the widget resource’s contentMeta attribute.

Field Description
options Meta information related to the content
attributes A hash that describes each of the widget’s attributes. The keys are the names of the attributes, as required when defining the composition’s content items. The values contain other metadata related to value restrictions and descriptions


Field Description
min The minimum number of content items
max The maximum number of content items
mainAttribute The name of the required attribute. All of the other attributes are optional


Field Description
control An identifier for the control that will handle validation and UI rendering in the editor
options Various options used for the control


These are the Input Controllers available in the Editor:

Get all compositions

Resource endpoint

GET /compositions

Getting the compositions list

Widgetic.api('compositions', {widget_id: '51d57c5a1d8a0cee4a000000'})
            .then(function(compositions) {
                console.log('You have ' + compositions.length + ' saved compositions!')

Retrieve the users’ saved compositions.

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
widget_id The widget id to filter the compositions

Create a new composition

Resource endpoint

POST /compositions

Creating a new composition

var newComp = {
            name: 'My new composition',
            content: [
                  id: 0,
                  image: '',
                  order: 0
                  id: 1,
                  image: '',
                  order: 1
            skin_id: 'p1_51d57c5a1d8a0cee4a000000',
            widget_id: '51d57c5a1d8a0cee4a000000'

        Widgetic.api('compositions', 'POST', JSON.stringify(newComp))
            .then(function(composition) {
                console.log('You have saved the ' + + ' composition!')

To create a composition you must first decide on the widget and skin to use. Construct an object according to the composition schema. The content attribute must contain an array of content items. Each content item must contain a unique (in the context of the array) id, an order field (used for sorting the items in the widget UI) and the attributes defined in the widget’s content schema, of which only the mainAttribute is required.

HTTP Request

POST /compositions

Get a composition

Resource endpoint

GET /compositions/{id}

Getting the name of a composition

            .then(function(composition) {
                console.log('The composition is called ' +;

Get a composition by it’s id.

Update a composition

Resource endpoint

PUT /compositions/{id}

Updating a composition

// get the composition resource
            .then(function(composition) {
                // update some properties
                composition.width = 200;
                composition.height = 200;

                // save the modified resource
                return Widgetic.api('compositions/' +, 'PUT', JSON.stringify(composition))
            }).then(function(composition) {
                console.log('Composition ' + + ' has been updated.')
                console.log('New dimensions are: '+ composition.width +'x'+ composition.height +' .')

Update an existing compositions’ properties.

Delete a composition

Resource endpoint

DELETE /compositions/{id}

Deleting a composition

Widgetic.api('compositions/553758d509c7e2334a8b458a', 'DELETE')
            .then(function() {
                console.log('The composition has been deleted!')
            }).fail(function() {
                console.log('The composition does not exist!')

Delete an existing composition.


HTTP Responses

The API uses HTTP responses to indicate success or otherwise of API requests. The codes listed below are often used, and the API may use others. Note that 4xx and 5xx responses may be returned for any request and clients should cater for them.

Response Code Description
400 Bad Request – General client error, possibly malformed data.
401 Unauthorized – The API Key was not authorised (or no API Key was found).
402 Payment Required – The API is not available on your current plan.
403 Forbidden – The request is not allowed.
404 Not Found – The resource was not found.
405 Method Not Allowed – The resource does not accept the HTTP method.
406 Not Acceptable – The resource cannot return the client’s required content type.
408 Request Timeout – The server would not wait any longer for the client.
409 Conflict - the client is trying to update with a stale version or data.
415 Unsupported Media Type - The server doesn’t accept the submitted content-type.
422 Unprocessable Entity – The data was well-formed but invalid.
500, 502, 503, 504 Server errors - something went wrong with Widgetic’s servers.

Examples and guides

Embedding your first widget

Widgetic allows multiple embed options. We recommend using the anchor + sdk method, as it is really simple and allows use of advanced features (out-of-widget popups and overlays).

anchor + sdk

anchor + sdk embed

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

        <a href="" class="widgetic-composition" data-id="555b5e6509c7e29e718b4569" data-width="500" data-height="500" data-resize="allow-scale-down" data-brand="bottom-right">Mosaic Gallery Widget</a>

The default embed mechanism. Recommended for simple use-cases. It allows multiple auto-scaling options, specifying default dimensions, and control of the branding position.

The embed code is featured on the composition’s page. Just copy and paste the code to the desired location on the website and the Widgetic SDK will transform the anchor tag into the actual widget.

You can choose the resize behaviour using the data-resize attribute.


iframe embed

<iframe src="" width="500" height="500" frameborder="0" style="visibility:hidden;" onload="'visible';"></iframe>

The most basic embed mechanism. The iframe embed does not support the auto resize options and advanced widget features (popups and overlays, edit in place, widget API). It is only recommended for websites where you cannot include the Widgetic SDK.


dynamic embed

Widgetic.UI.composition(document.querySelector('.embed'), composition)

The most advanced of the embed methods. Allows embedding of compositions, but also dynamic creation of compositions with skin and content defined at runtime. Useful for content management systems, websites built using a templating language, etc.

embed resize options

All of the widgets are responsive and you can choose the way they resize by selecting one of the resize options.

Option Behaviour
fixed The widget does not scale. It maintains the specified width and height.
fixed height The widget only scales horizontally to 100% of it’s container’s size, keeping the height fixed.
fill The widget scales horizontally and vertically to 100% of it’s container’s size.
fill width The widget scales to 100% of it’s container’s width while maintaining the defined aspect ratio.
allow scale down The widget only scales down, keeping the aspect ratio. It never scales above the defined width and height.

Only the anchor+sdk and the dyanmic embeds support all resize options. The iframe embed is fixed.

Login with Widgetic

Using interactive login

<button>Login with Widgetic!</button>
        <p style="display:none"> Hello <span>visitor</span>! </p>
// initialize the sdk with your api key
        Widgetic.init('554de62709c7e23f7f8b4567_4bgmtqx250aoookowwook40gk0408s4gs8w0o4o8o0cc4cscc8', '');

        var hideButton = function() {

        var showUsername = function() {
          Widgetic.api('users/me').then(function(user) {

        var showError = function() {
          console.log('Login failed');

        $('button').on('click', function() {
          // do the interactive login

To start working with any REST API, one of the first steps is always authentication. Widgetic uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. Thus, most API endpoints require an access token to allow interaction. Widgetic supports common OAuth 2.0 scenarios such as those for web server and client-side applications.

The Widgetic.js SDK contains helper functions for handling the OAuth flow and retrieving a valid access token. To begin, obtain OAuth 2.0 client credentials from the Widgetic Developers Area. The SDK needs to be initialised with your API Key.

Calling Widgetic.auth when the user interacts with your app starts the interactive login process, using popups. The user will be greeted by your apps authorization screen. They can choose to authorize or deny access to their Widgetic account. Like most of the Widgetic SDK functions, Widgetic.auth returns a promise. Using the then and fail methods you can subscribe callbacks to be run when the user authorizes or denies authorization, respectively.

Widgetic Auth Screen

Using non-interactive login to reconnect the user

var doInteractiveAuth = function() {
          var def = Widgetic.Aye.defer()

          console.log('Background login failed; reverting to interactive login');

          $('button').show().off('click').on('click', function() {

          return def.promise;

        function init() {


The other form of the Widgetic.auth function, invoked using the false parameter, will do a background non-interactive login, which succeeds only if the user has previously authorized your app and they are still logged into the Widgetic platform.

You can use this form to reconnect to a user’s account upon page refresh.

Using the REST API to create a composition

Listing the available widgets

Widgetic.api('widgets', {fields: ['id, name']})
          .then(function(widgets) {

In this tutorial we’ll create a composition using the API.

The first step is to decide on a widget to use. We’ll call the Widgetic.api method to interact with the /widgets endpoint and get the list of widget names.

Listing the Mosaic Gallery’s skins

var getMosaicGallery = function() {
          return Widgetic.api('widgets', {fields: ['id, name']})
            .then(function(widgets) {
              // find the mosaic gallery
              return widgets.filter(function(widget) {
                return === 'Mosaic Gallery'
            .then(function(mosaicGallery) {
              console.log('The id of the Mosaic Gallery Widget:');

              console.log('Getting the details!');
              return Widgetic.api('widgets/' +;

          .then(function(mosaicGallery) {
            return mosaicGallery.skins[0];
          .then(function(skin) {
            console.log('The first skin:');

Let’s use the Mosaic Gallery widget. To create a composition we need a widget, a skin and some content. We can build a custom skin or use one of the presets. Let’s select a preset for now. We’ll get the skins from the widget/{id} endpoint.

Listing the Mosaic Gallery’s content meta

          .then(function(mosaicGallery) {
            console.log('The content meta of the Mosaic Gallery Widget:');

We have the widget and the skin. All we need now is some content. Each widget expects the content to adhere to a different content schema.

By looking at the options.mainAttribute we deduce that the content items must contain an image property. The attributes.image.control property informs us that an image control will be used for validation. This is the minimum knowledge we need to construct a valid content collection.

Getting the errors

          .then(function(mosaicGallery) {
            var newComp = {
                name: 'My new composition',
                skin_id: mosaicGallery.skins[0].id,
                content: [
                    something: "wrong"

            return Widgetic.api('compositions', 'POST', JSON.stringify(newComp))
          .then(function(composition) {
            console.log('Your composition has been saved!')
          .fail(function(errors) {

Using this information, let’s have a first attempt at creating and saving a composition. We’ll experiment a bit by sending some content which does not conform to the schema.

The Widgetic API tries to return useful error information to ease app development. We can catch and handle these errors on the .fail branch of the api calls.

Saving the composition

          .then(function(mosaicGallery) {
            var newComp = {
                name: 'My new composition',
                skin_id: mosaicGallery.skins[0].id,
                content: [
                      id: 0,
                      image: '',
                      order: 0
                      id: 1,
                      image: '',
                      order: 1

            return Widgetic.api('compositions', 'POST', JSON.stringify(newComp))
          .then(function(composition) {
            console.log('Your composition has been saved!')
          .fail(function(errors) {

With this information we are ready to create the composition object.

Embedding the composition

<div class="embed"></div>
composition = retrieve('rest-example-comp')
        Widgetic.UI.composition(document.querySelector('.embed'), composition)

Congratulations! You’ve created your first composition using the REST API. Here it is embedded in it’s full glory.

Building a custom editor

This is a sample project showcasing the use of the Widgetic SDK to build a custom editor for a widget.

Get the source code at

Building a custom CMS

This is a sample project showcasing the use of the Widgetic SDK to build a custom CMS panel.

Get the source code at


Terms and Conditions

You have to follow a set of rules and standard practices for using the Widgetic API. Failing to do so might result in your app being banned.


Building our API is an ongoing effort and we rely on your feedback for what to focus on next. If you don’t see a resource you want here, please let us know!




Are you stuck? Let us know how we can help at

API Terms of Use


Before diving into the legal language, we'd like to share our expectations and aspirations regarding Widgetic's API.

  1. Widgetic believes that content will continue to play an important role in digital. As opposed to traditional media where content is displayed in a static manner (newspapers, magazines), or non‐interactive (tv, radio), the digital world comes with the ability for content to be interactive. This means that users are able to interact with the content ‐ basically to perform an action for the content to respond.
  2. There are many reasons why users would want to interact with the content, but most of the times they do it is because they want to see the content (video, images), hear the content (audio), or understand the content (data).
  3. The elements that make the content interactive are called widgets. Every audio or video player, gallery, chart, or social feed are all part of this category.
  4. Our goal is to make interactive content consumption easy by offering a variety of widgets, and fun by providing a set of tools and services to non-technical people.
  5. With our tools, anyone can create and personalize their content. With our services, they can identify and amplify their best content across devices and platforms.
  6. We believe in the power of APIs to unleash the talents of developers around the globe to build new applications that extend Widgetic's utility and help build the world's best widgets as a service platform. The Widgetic API provides access to the entire widgets library and tools.
  7. Widgetic supports developers, and we want them to prosper. Some developers will build apps for fun, and others will do it to make money. We want developers to be able to earn money to support their efforts in making applications using Widgetic.
  8. We are trying to build Widgetic into a profitable and lasting company. Thus, there are several important guidelines in our APIs related to "commercial use". Please pay particular attention to those sections.

Thank you for being part of Widgetic. If you have any questions, contact us at We welcome you and look forward to working with you.


The Terms apply to your use of, including any successor sites, (the "Website") and any and all data, text, software, documents and other materials on the Website ("Content") associated with the application programming interface offered through the Website (currently available at for selected premium accounts) (the "API"). Registered users of the Website ("Widgetic Users") may upload Content to the Website.

By using the Widgetic APIs, you or the entity or company that you represent ("Developer" or "You") are unconditionally agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions, including those available by hyperlink from within this document, and are becoming a party to this API Terms of Use Agreement (collectively, the "Terms"). If you disagree with any of these terms, Widgetic does not grant you a license to use the Widgetic APIs. We reserve the right to update and change these terms from time to time without notice. You can always find the most recent version of these terms on this page.

1. API Licensed Uses and Restrictions

Subject to full compliance with the Terms, Widgetic SRL ("Widgetic") hereby grants You a limited, personal, non‐sublicensable, non‐transferable, non‐exclusive, revocable license to access and use the API solely as necessary to create and run websites and applications (collectively, "Applications") that meet all the requirements and conditions set forth in the Terms. Widgetic user content is owned by the users and not by Widgetic.

You shall:

You shall not:


2. Attribution